Friday, January 8, 2010

Today was a hallmark day for the Hannings. We began with me being sick and puttering through my morning without the least interjection of my family at all. After asking about three times, my wife actually got me some juice and daytime capsules to stave off my cold. they didn't work, and it was like 20 oz of juice.
Let's back up a couple days, my command's top end had been awaiting the decision of their CO about whether we would travel to our monthly production meeting 3 hours from here or if we'd cancel. word came down about 1030 or so, that we'd go ahead with the thing, despite the snow, wind and horrifically cold temperatures that were to be that day. Packed up and headed out to get my tiny government vehicle and hurl it into harm's way toward the approaching inevitable. after reaching the city limits of the town the thing was in, I got a call from my command that they had cancelled the thing after all. GREAT! Drove all that way for nothing. Decided to make the most of it and check into my hotel and grab some drinks and salve my soul. Arose at 9 or so and got around enough to visit with a buddy, the only other living soul that actually made it up there. finally got on the road around 1030. The roads left much to the imagination! pulled into Salem around 430 or a little after. Now for a piece of background, my hip and right leg have been paining me something fierce due to psiatica brought on by driving. Wow! I had essentially subjected my hip and nerve to two pretty full days of driving, even if it was 9 or so hours. Anyway, I was pulling into my street after texting my wife, From 30 minutes out, that i would be home. Not only was there a car in my spot, but the only other places to park was in a snowdrift! And with the load of junk I had to carry in, it would be painful, to say the least. I imagined my wife would meet me at the door with keys and a coat on to move the vehicle parked in my spot or at least help me carry my huge bunch of stuff I had to tote. I entered my home not to this site, by any stretch of the imagination. My wife, in all her glory, was sock footed adorning a recliner with a remote in one hand and drink in the other. A position that if i was to remain in when she had groceries to tote, well I would never hear the end of it, I tell ya! I even get a guilt trip when I'm in town and don't offer to drive acrossed town to help her unload her daycare groceries, a job for which she gets paid to do.
I began the back and forth routine of carrying in all my junk out of the car, and on the second or third trip, as i got progressively madder and each trip produced more pain than the last, she asked "so how were the roads?" as she eased back in the recliner, not paying any mind to the snow caking off my knees from the snowbank i was to retrieve my things from the vehicle i was forced to park in. "Fine!" I stated, with heavy disdain. After a bit of lugging, lots of pain, and some cursing the sky under my breath, I was finished with the arduous task. While seated she tossed another couple of questions my way, seeming to want to goad a reaction from me, and she got one. When I responded as a sick guy who's tired and in great pain would, she leaped from her recliner and stomped toward my position in the house, saying something to the effect of "what happened to you up there?" like it was so out of line and childish for my reaction. I responded in like manner, totally disappointing myself for actually engaging in her pablum.
She was to have her fight and have it now. I had told her, at one point, that "I don't want to discuss it." and she kept at me until the scab was off and blood was running, and sure to get on whosever closest to it. Now Rachel gets up and says she's going to move her car! What? Why? Everything's over now. The damage is done and I'm pissed.
Of course, the grim reality I seemed to be destined to face is that it hurt what she had done, or not done, and hurt more that she would sit and allow me to writhe back and forth in pain and not say as much as a simple welcome home or can I help with anything. It hurt more than my leg or sinuses or anything I can recall. It's gotten pretty numb from all the hurting it's been subjected to, whatever "it" is?
Now on with today... ...after getting home today, at 1 o'clock, like every weekday, what a grueling schedule, she actually gave me some pills and juice, then made me sandwich. Now I've had better tunafish, and she put junk in it that I purely detest, but the thought of her actually doing something for me, was foreign. Very foreign.
I worked the better part of the afternoon and it was soon time for supper. Rachel wasn't home and she had fixed, now me with a case, hot wings and some noodle thing. WTFO? Hot wings? Said she was trying to clear out my sinuses! And i believe she made about six for the three of us, Rachel was not there. Now for the good part, after Julia left the table, something was said that provoked me. I asked her why she never shared anything sincere when she answered my questions. Well that trailed off into some more of her blaming me for the woes in her life and telling me how bad of choices she had made. I lobbed a few snowballs verbally her way, in the same manner and let her know that if she didn't straighten up, she had a whole lot more to lose her than I do. She kept trying to defend her position and my wrath would no no retaliation except silence and listening to my peace. Which I spoke and walked away, to the basement, to my office she promised me while she bought this house, while I was at sea, sight unseen. My office with the Washer and dryer in it.

Kevin Hanning
Navy Chief

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