Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sunday Blues

I finished my Art class last night with Brett's help. He's really great at digging through Google and finding stuff out. He's gonna be a great husband, my only hope is that he has a great wife. I went to bed at 1 or 2 last night while Brett's friends were over watching videos. I slept a couple hours and woke up with an achy tummy and went to sit it out in the living room. Chatted a while longer with friends and went to bed a couple hours later. I awoke to a headache this morning, well noon, rose and took some excedrin. That's really all that helps with my headaches, which I recently learned were migraines, during my physical for retirement. I'm really down after taking my regular meds and hope it's not a theme that's building. I was really down the past couple days as well. I have been, over the past several months, been experimenting with prolonged periods of not bathing. I somehow feel it will help me if there's ever anything that would happen to force this to be the case. I can't make it very long, 3 or 4 days tops, as private areas do not take kindly to not being shown some cleanly attention. That and I detest feeling gross and dirty. I would hope I would find a way to cleanse myself if the inevitable happens. I'm wondering what's going on with the weather last few weeks. It can't seem to make up it's mind whether to be really cold, like freezing, or fall like temperatures. Some think it's global climate change and the planet's pole aligning itself to a different degree. I do know that true north isn't aligned with magnetic north any more as a compass doesn't align with GPS. Whatever's happening it's wreaking havoc on my sinuses. I'm an afrin junkie at night just to breathe. I find myself explaining why I never call anyone nor answer my phone at all more and more. I have made the attempt to answer it when it rings but my social anxiety really goes bananas on the phone. I wish I could feel more normal with all of it. I think I would have more friends if I were more sociable.

1 comment:

  1. Im so sorry buddy you are going through all of this. I grind my teeth because some women just do not know what they have, and throw it away! I did not know all of this was going on. I sent you a long email, but it didnt save in my sent box, so I dont know if you even got my words. If you feel like it, email me. I need a friend too.
