Sunday, April 4, 2010

Attorney Priveledge

Recently I came to the conclusion that I had had quite enough. This came, as it were, after a fight that had been allowed to start and go on between my 17 yr old and me. I was suffering from sinusitus and pneumonia and all the lovely symptoms that come along with it. Weakened and head achy with sensitivity to the light when healthy, I sat alone in my home watching tv. Working every day until 5 or 6 despite how horrible I felt. My wife and 17 yr old step daughter came home and were milling around the kitchen and other rooms. Finally confronted with the lights, my wife had told me, regardless of how I felt, that she must have the lights on no matter what. We perried for a while over it as my 17 yr old came into the kitchen. I became agitated and gave up telling her to just turn on all the lights all the way. She kept at me so I told her that was what she wanted anyway. At this point I heard my 17 yr old murmuring something just out of earshot in a disrespectful derogatory tone. I mumbled inaudibly the some tone back and she quickly challenged me to a duel verbally saying "I know you aren't directing that at me" or something of the like. I responded in kind by telling her I pay all the bills and for everything she has, save around $200 a month, and if you've ever raised a teenager who THINKS she's too hot for words, $200 can be blown very quickly. Dresses, shoes, dogs, purses and the like. At this point she began telling me what a failure I am and how there is something wrong with me, citing various influential people at church that told her so, quoting one as stating that when I served at church, I made them "sick to their stomach" even when I was filling in when that person sat on their laurels in the crowd and did nothing to help.
All these things that were stated, remember, are being done to me while sick and in an incredibly weakened state, as noone in the entire household that I provide cares what state I'm in, they can just steamroll over the top of me and if I say the slightest thing in protest I'm creating a scene or blamed for unrest in the home by coloring the events of the day with my attitude, this making it all bad for everyone, thus, I amd the problem.
I watched as she hurled insult after blame at me looking to see her referee step in when I would attempt to retaliate. Never once did she come to my aide and when questioned as to why she would allow this to be done to me or said about me, she responded how she felt all this needed to be said and how the 17 yr old had every right to do this.
It was then I thought how over all this needed to be. I could not survive things like this done to me any longer than I already endured. Teamed up on and attacked was the norm. Ostracized and badmouthed for however I felt about the situation had quickly resulted. Total lack of understanding or respect was the end all be all in the life I had allowed to be created for me to live in.
The next week I contacted an attorney near the military post and scheduled an appointment. During the course of that time I spoke to noone and mostly kept away to myself. Armed with the facts of how the state would probably devide out assets, I mustered all my courage and presented my case very clearly. She yelled and screamed enough for the situatoin to escalate and I stuck to my guns telling her why, repeatedly. For two days before work I presented this end to her. The end of all my torment and paying for everything, getting nothing in return but a hard time. She had told me that she would need spousal support and
how she would have to go to school for something. It was then I unloaded on her. I had offered to send her to school on my GI bill entitlement, paying her a huge stipend while she went. She had denied this back then but was going to stick it to me now, just so she could take an extremely lesser amount out of my pay? Not likely.
She had scheduled a skating trip for the 11 yr old in the neighboring town. My best friend and brother Barry was there. He spoke to her for over an hour about her situation.
Somehow, over the corse of that night and the next day, he convinced she and I of the real problem. My wife felt too inadequate to achieve. Nothing in her life was done out of wanting to do well and she had lost all her self worth.
I swallowed all this for a time, with her doing things for me and making sure I was done for in little ways. Nothing had been done about the 17 yr old. It looked as if nothing ever would. This had led me back to the hiding myself away when she'd come home or enter the room and being a prisoner in my own home that I pay for.

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