Sunday, October 12, 2014

Long Time No Blogging...

Wow! Haven't blogged in a long time and so much has happened it's dizzying. Bernie and I have long since married and moved to a neighbouring town with her son and adoptive son as well as my daughter! We have been through the ringer emotionally with the kids and finances. Bernie's health took a down swing but she's recently had neck surgery to fuse three disks and is feeling much better but still healing. Brett met a young lady and had a baby and moved out, winding up moving back to Arizona. Julia was going through such a rough time in her living situation with my ex that it finally became physical between her and her sister. She was choked and rough housed on multiple occasions until she finally broke and was institutionalized for over a week. She hasn't spent a night at her mother's since, save for visiting on weekends. Her mother has finally taken 1/2 my retirement and refused abatement from the current child support order. She also doesn't pay any child support, but has given one check back to me in an obvious attempt to make it look like she is paying. I have come to my senses about religion after 40+ years of being enslaved to guilt and shame. What a sham! All those "tithes" I pumped into that fraud would sure come in handy right now. After doing my own research and finding out that the one called Jesus never actually existed and that the entire thing is just a huge adaptation of paganism with a circle removed from their cross of the zodiac. I have delved farther into the origins of mankind a lot in the past year and have a decent understanding of how we probably showed up here on this planet. What an eye opening journey. There's really no one called God, but many who early man thought as god-like. We, as a species have served them for more years than the history books teach but the dating holds up comparatively against primordial Adam and Eve, around 240,000 years. The bible actually talks about gold in the first few chapters and no one's ever thought about why. That fact baffles me but with a bit of perspective, slavery comes into full view in light of how we all live today.